Where Do We Go When We Die

Okay… so I guess I’m dying then.


Dying is cold. Dying is lonely. 


I hope I did good… I did do good. Very good. I know.


I’ve experienced… And that is good… I’ve learnt a long time ago about coming from the big bang, God’s voice or… the ‘nowhere’ that is ‘now here’. 


And everything was in existence before humankind came to form… given a realm to be creators in… the same in which destruction can occur. 


The… more that we consume nutritionally… rich foods is the more we can see… do and experience. 


In the journey and art… of creating and destroying… experiences are gathered.


Experiences get… stored within the atom… the atom feeds the beast with energy to move but the beast… must also give back to the atom. 


Feed the atom… the atom feeds you… life synergy.


In order to complete a task… I must eat something nutritional to give me… the energy required to carry out the task. When the task is carried out… the payment is of value albeit

monetary… or otherwise… something learnt and/or earnt. This completed… task will be stored… as an energy called experience that can be utilized… when required. 


When we die all that stored… experience will go back to the… source in which it came from. The nowhere. The Where where all exist. 


The ideas I’ve had… I wasn’t the first to have them.


The same thoughts that plague my mind… plagues my brother’s mind also.


Even the… tribulations and situations I’ve lived through… are not subject to just me.


And should be just as… well received as the joys… praises… admiration… 


We all experience the same thing… we somehow, though, choose… which of these experiences we want to impact us… we choose what we want to identify with.


The mind… can only recognise what it can label… if there is no label fear is built for it or… the unlabelled entity might… not even be noticed… because there is nothing to recognise it.


So slowly we become… to form ourselves around things… images… tangibles.. named items


We can’t be… unless it’s something… seen 


We are convinced… if it can’t be seen it doesn’t exist or… the feeling is subjective… it should be overlooked… because you’re overthinking


Just as I figured out how to align my worlds… the spiritual experience can equate to actual living experience…

Finally sorted out that discomfort… this happens…

The blood keeps going… I can’t move my feet…


Just another challenge… to overcome I guess…


I often reflect upon the analogy… that just as we dream, inclusive of beings, places… things highlighting what may become… similar, we too may be characters….of a dream by a Creator to highlight a… vision to serve their purpose.


I spent some… time reflecting upon my purpose. If there… is a creator how can I make his life easier…. should I even… be doing God’s work? I was created to…so I guess…. I will go where my Creator wants me to go…. I will report my findings… it will be pleased.


The mind does come up with some nonsense just before death, doesn’t it.


Now I’m here…I’ve experienced… it knows what I know… it is pleased… whatever helps with the crossover…right.


Before I was here, now lying face down… unable to move, one nostril force breathing in my own blood…. the other nostril slightly elevated enough out of my blood pool to barely keep me breathing…. I knew I shouldn’t have turned down this alleyway… my intuition told me many men have died between… these narrow corridors of flats. 


The intuition… a bridge to foresight…a scope of the future… to be impacted before the impact. 


Well … .at least I know that my experience…. will contribute to the progression of humankind… as the essence from my atom… will grant experiences to the oneness which… can then be found by those who seek… connect…


I think…



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