Everyday it plagues me, where am I going wrong? I’m sure I’m doing all the right things but for some reason I can’t seem to keep up without struggling. There’s got to be an easier way. I need to admit to myself; I am doing something wrong, look for it, make the changes.
I am doing something wrong. I know it because I feel it. I’m constantly depleted of my energy. This needs to be investigated. So I did.
The first thing is to recognise the environment you’re in. Then come to the understanding that each environment has its own associated cost to exist. After which you will calculate how much you want to pay in each environment to make your life easy. And last but not least is that you HAVE to pay. This is accountability.
This is not Asgard. This exists.
Whether you believe it or not you need to come to the understanding that you exist in each of these places and if you’re not paying a sufficient amount to be there you will be evicted, and it may be difficult to re-enter i.e. you will lose your place in the realm.
One needs to pay their dues in all realms to feel fulfilled.
The Physical Realm
The one where energies materialise. In this realm the currency is money. Anywhere you go physically will cost you money. If you’re living in an environment where you don’t have the use for money, believe me it will get there, so enjoy it while you can. Whilst operating in this realm albeit living, working, consuming or playing one will have to pay the currency to do so.
This is called tax.
This is inescapable. However, there are different types and rates of taxes for different people depending on their way of life in some cases some can even be reclaimed. By identifying different quadrants of taxes one can choose a lifestyle based on its price.
The Mental Realm
The neglected environment that we spend a high amount of time in. In this realm the currency utilised is thoughts. Thoughts are what makes us go places within the mental realm. In order to continue your existence, one will have to pay the price of the realm; attention. Attention is mindfulness. Catering to this realm can bring fruition in the physical realm. Paying attention can help you to reclaim/gain the currency you’ve paid in the physical realm.
As one experiences life, perspectives change and what gets our attention matters due to the impact. One can get ahead of the impact by paying the necessary attention. Once attention is paid one will be able to see what is most likely to happen and be able to evade or reduce any harm/cost.
It’s highly recommended to keep present this will enhance your learning ability and further survival. The aim is to keep thoughts positive and the mind present.
It’s easy to go to negative thoughts or experiences that were near misses, of the things that have happened already and then straight to the future where preventive measures are calculated to ensure survival. Take time to recognise what’s in the presence and how it can be beneficial.
If you’re all out of thoughts it’s most likely you will fade away as thoughts are what help to manifest the currency of the physical realm to enhance your holistic well-being.
You do need money because you may be okay without it but you’re never okay if someone you know and love is not doing well. Money can help them overcome a situation, which will help to restore your overall well being.
The Spiritual Realm
The place we are scared to visit, where we came from but rarely return, the existence of all existences, the realm where power is stored and the only way to attain it is to recognise it. That’s all. Believe it is real. The currency of the spiritual realm is faith.
Faith is the belief in a power that is greater than yourself. Whatever it may be it will most likely be for a short time before realising that your faith can’t be placed in certain places or individuals.
Faith is built on truth the more truth you find out the more you will be able to withstand during times of adversity.
When you’re given something you know to say thank you, this simple exchange will make someone give again. The use of what you have is also a way to pay gratitude. If you are not making use of something, you clearly have no use for it and most likely be less grateful about an item that brings no use or joy.
Similarly you need to pay gratitude to yourself for searching and to the creator of the existence of truth so more truth will be given.
Regardless, the payment for having faith is gratitude.
The spiritual realm is boundless and no amount of the physical spend can bring fulfilment. Spiritual activities need to be done in order to be fulfilled spiritually.
By paying your taxes you will know just how you will make money work for you. By paying attention you will see how your thoughts will work for you. By paying gratitude you will see how your faith in things that exist will grow. Possibly to a point where you too may bring things and systems into existence for others to be grateful for.